Angel Number 487 brings a message that the angels acknowledge your hard work and efforts, and applaud your life choices. You have been devoting yourself to betteringyour life and focusing upon your spiritual path, and this has assured that you will have ‘plenty’ in your life in all ways. Continue on your path as you growand succeed in the material world. Angel Number 487 is an auspicious sign of manifesting prosperity, achieving success,positive progress and spiritual advancement. You have the abilities to manifest all that you require and desire into your life.Be grateful for your blessingsand remember to share your good fortune with others. Angel Number 487 may also indicate that you have learned how to balance your spiritual life and practices (and/or a spiritually-based career/profession) with the material,monetary and physical worlds, and this will see an increase to the flow of material abundance in your life, as well as great inner-peace and joy. The important spiritualwork you have been doing has ensured that your material wants and needs will be met, and your endeavours will reap both personal and financial rewards in your life.With this increase to your prosperity, be mindful that the more you have, the more you have to share with others. Look within. Every time you look deep into yourself you find incredibly beautiful treasures within you.
Number 487 is a combination of the vibrations and energies of number 4 and number 8 and the influences of number 7.Number 4 relates to truth and integrity, practicality, working steadilytowards goals and aspirations, system and order, self-initiation, building solid foundations and enthusiasm coupled with determination. Number 4 also relates to theenergies of the Archangels.Number 8resonates with the concept of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma (Cause and Effect), inner-wisdom, personal power and authority, manifesting material freedom and abundance, discernment and good judgement, dependability and self-confidence.Number 7relates to spiritual awakening and development, understanding the self and others, mysticism and the esoteric, empathic and psychic abilities, introspection and inner-knowing, and study, education and learning.
Number 487 relates to number 1 (4+8+7=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.