Angel Number 397 brings a message that you have been receiving clear Divine and angelic guidance about your soul mission, and your angels encourage you to follow theirinstructions. Know that as you serve your soul purpose you will manifest ample supply to meet your needs. Angel Number 397 suggests that you are leading your life as a positive example for others to follow. It encourages you to expand your personal spirituality and spiritualpursuits, and if you feel the inclination to begin or expand a spiritually-based practice, career or profession, or service-based venture, Angel Number 397 indicates that now is an auspicious timeto do so. The angels applaud your choices to live with truth, honesty and integrity. Angel Number 397 also indicates that you are shedding old facets of your life that no longer positively serve you nor suit who you are as you are now living a moreauthentic and purposeful life and lifestyle. Let the ‘old’ go with love and gratitude for its service and be open to receiving the ‘new’. Study and the education process brings you great long-term rewards. It enriches and encourages your understanding of your personal abilities and spiritual power, andaccelerates your motivation towards your life purpose.

Number 397 is a compilation of the vibrations of number 3, the attributes of number 9 and the energies of number 7. Number 3 offers assistance and encouragement, communication andenthusiasm, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, manifestation and manifesting, broad-minded thinking, self-expression, talent and skills. Number 3 often indicates that the AscendedMasters are around you, assisting when asked.Number 9 resonates with Lightworking and humanitarianism, service to others, a higher perspective, leadership andleading others by positive example, inner-wisdom and the Universal Spiritual Laws. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions.Number 7relates to the Universal Energies, faith, spiritual development, awakening and enlightenment, independence and individualism,understanding of others, determination and persistence of purpose, inner-strength and inner-knowing,mysticism and psychic abilities. Number 397 is a highly spiritualvibration.

Number 397 relates to number 1 (3+9+7=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.