Angel Number 369 is a message from your angels to continue forth upon your life purpose and soul mission safe in the knowledge that your material wants and needswill be met as needed. Your lightworkingduties to serve and help humanity are important and you are being encouraged to put extra focus on your spiritual path andpurpose. Devote yourself to your soul mission without delay. Angel Number 369 indicates that your prayers and positive affirmations about your spiritual path and purpose have been heard and are being responded to by the angels and those in the higher realms. Listen to your intuition and take action as guided. Give any fears or worries about monetary issues to the angels and get on with pursuingyour purpose. The Universal Energiesfully support you and will ensure that your material wants and needs are met as you carry on with yourlightwork. Research, study, schooling, education and learning will enhance and help your life purpose and personal growth and development at this time. The angels will guideand help you with all that you need to learn and grow.

Number 369 is a blend of the attributes of number 3, the energies of number 6 and the vibrations of number 9. Number 3 relates to society, creativity, enthusiasm and optimism, self-expression and communication, psychic abilities and intellectual pursuits, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 is also the number of theAscended Masters and the Holy Trinity. Number 6 offers theenergies of love of home and family, empathy and sympathy, responsibility and reliability, care and nurturing, simplicity and compromise. Number 6 also relates toprovision and the material aspects of life. Number 9is the number of endings and conclusions, inner-strength and inner-wisdom, selflessness and philanthropy, a higher perspective,the Universal Spiritual Laws, leading by positive example,serving humanity and lightworking.

Number 369 relates to number 9 (3+6+9=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.