Angel Number 2688 tells you that you have the power to control your own life and it is up to you to create it. Instead of fearing or denying this responsibility, embrace it and use it to better your life. Step back and re-evaluate the choices and decisions you have made up to this point, and recognize your power to change things for the future. Give yourself the opportunity to make better choices for yourself. In regards to the financial and material aspects of life, evaluate your wants over your needs and move towards a healthier balance. Do not look to false symbols of success (eg. Money, possessions, social status etc), nor fall for the trap of debt. Re-organize your priorities and take responsibility for every aspect of your life. Focus upon your own energy and be your own powerful guide. Follow your greatest joy, go with the flow, trust your instincts and mindfully follow your heart’s desires.

Number 2688 brings together the energies and attributes of number 2 and number 6, and the vibrations of number 8 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 2 resonates with service and duty, balance and harmony, flexibility, adaptability, diplomacy, charm, co-operation, consideration, friendliness, receptivity and love, understanding others and pursuing your life purpose. Number 6 relates to home and family, domesticity, parenthood, guardianship, service to others, grace and gratitude, stability, solution-finding and problem-solving, seeing clearly, idealism, material needs and economy. Number 8 is the number of personal power and authority, inner-wisdom, truth and integrity, dependability and self-reliance, a desire for peace and a love of humanity and world transformation, manifesting positive abundance, and the concept of karma; the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Number 2688 relates to number 6 (2+6+8+8=24, 2+4=6) and Angel Number 6.