Angel Number 21 suggests that there may be some new opportunities or directions for you to take that will lead you in new and exciting directions. Trust that your angels are by your side throughout these changes and transitions and are guiding your every step. They encourage you to remain calm, balanced and happy and you will find that all will work out for your highest good. Angel Number 21 is a message from your angels for you to be aware of your thoughts as they are manifesting your ideas and beliefs into reality. Angel Number 21 encourages you to be optimistic and maintain a positive attitude regarding current changes and/or circumstances in your life, as this will help to manifest your desired results. Angel Number 21 asks that you maintain your faith and positive expectations about all aspects of your life. Use positive affirmations to bolster your resolve and to keep you connected to the angelic realm.

Number 21 is made up of the vibration of the number 2 and number 1. Number 2 resonates with the attributes of dualityand finding balance, consideration and co-operation, relationships and partnerships, encouragement, selflessness and yourDivine life purpose and soul mission. The energies of the number 1 include new beginnings, independence, uniqueness,motivation, striving forward and progress, attainment, achievement and success. This makes 21 a number of versatility,energy, charisma and communication.

Number 21 also relates to the Number 3 (2+1=3) and Angel Number 3.