Angel Number 1268 encourages you to step into your own power in every way. Angel Number 1268 speaks of self-management and achieving success and abundance due to your personal efforts,intentions and actions. Angel Number 1268 tells you to trust that your finances are being taken care of and all of yourneeds in your daily life will be provided for. If you have any fears, concerns or doubts, ask your angels for guidance andassistance. Angel Number 1268 is a message from your angels to continue to use positive affirmations, prayers and visualizations inorder to manifest positive abundance into your life. Trust that a positive attitude and outlook helps to manifest yourdesires. No not allow any perceived fears or obstacles sway you from your path or hinder you in any way. Trust that youare on the right path in all ways in your life and expect positive results and outcomes. Your angels ask that you remain centered in your faith and trust and believe that positive abundance is on its way into yourlife. You are reaping rewards for work well done in the past. Accept your blessings with gratitude and grace, and giveyourself permission to prosper.

Number 1268 beliefs and actions.Number 2 lends its attributes of faith and trust, pursuing your Divine life purpose and soul mission,partnerships and relationships, mediation, co-operation and diplomacy, give and take and balance and harmony.Number 6brings its vibrations of providing and provision, love of home and family, unconditional love and nurturing, truth and orderand the financial and material aspects of life. Number 6 also relates to problem-solving and solution-finding. Number 8resonates with Divine and inner-wisdom, self-confidence and authority, skills and talents, consideration and goodjudgement, manifesting wealth and abundance, and the concept of Karma- the Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Number 1268 relates to number 8 (1+2+6+8=17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.