Angel Number 1214 reassures you that the work, will and efforts you have made towards serving your life purpose and soul mission have laid solid foundations for yourfuture, and has been acknowledged by the angelic and spiritual realms. Have faith in yourself, your ideas and your intuition, and stay focused on your desired outcomes. Follow your intuition and maintain a positive attitude and a love of life. You are now manifesting your well-earned rewards and blessings. Angel Number 1214 is a message from your angels that you are well supported by the Universe, angels and the Archangels. Give any fears, doubts and worries to yourangels for healing and transmutation. Stay positive and maintain an optimistic outlook, and you will manifest your highest good. Angel Number 1214 tells you to be open to receiving and accepting your good, which may appear in the form of new opportunities, new projects and ideas and startingafresh. Have faith and trust in yourself and the angels. If feeling any fear or doubt simply ask your angels for guidance and support. Angel Number 1214 is a message that at this point in time you are exactly where you are meant to be. Live in the moment and appreciate life’s daily miracles.
Number 1214 is a combination of the attributes of number 1 (appearing twice, amplifying its energies), the vibrations of number 2 and the energies of number 4. Number 1 denotesinitiative and striving forward, new beginnings and projects, achieving success, attainment, fulfilment and happiness. Number 1 also tells us that we create our realitieswith our thoughts, ideas, beliefs and actions. Number 2 lends its influences of duality, balance and adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, faith and trust and servingyour soul mission and life purpose. It is also the number of partnerships and relationships. Number 4 resonates with working steadily towards goals and aspirations,truth and integrity, practicality, system and order, self-initiation, building solid foundations and enthusiasm coupled with determination.
Number 1214 resonates with number 8 (1+2+1+4=8) and Angel Number 8.