Angel Number 1049 can be a message that your angels are with you as you step through a new door of opportunity. Your angels ask that you focus on your goals, aspirations and life purpose, and remember to ask your angels for guidance and assistance along the way. Angel Number 1049 is a message from your angels to pay attention to your recurring thoughts, ideas and impulses, as they are guiding you towards the next steps along your spiritual path. Trust the intuitive messages you are receiving at this time as they hold the answers to your prayers. Angel Number 1049 is a message that the financial aspects of your life will be taken care of as you pursue your life purpose and soul passion. The steps you’ve put into place have paved the way to success. Angel Number 1049 tells you that when you take excellent care of yourself, everybody benefits. Take the time to give yourself a relaxing treat to soothe the mind, body and soul.

Number 1049 numbers it appears with. Number 4 resonates with service and duty, patience and application, establishing solid foundations, ability and stability, system and order,progress and achieving goals. Number 4 relates to our passion and drive in life. Number 9 resonates with lightworking and service to humanity, philanthropy andbenevolence, leading by positive example, spiritual enlightenment and awakening, idealism and problem-solving. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions.

Number 1049 relates to number 5 (1+0+4+9=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.